Satisfied with a bowl of fried potatoes, cooking activities in the morning followed by frying furai ika, aka fried squid with flour. Not for breakfast anymore, but for lunch at noon. Oseng oseng zinc, be seven spots kira2 fried squid with rice flour ready to be included in the lunch box. OK, ready to go to college!
On the train, I met the same Arabs and China, from dorm Nagatsuta, dormitories for mahasiswa2 International Graduate Course of Tokyo Tech. Wes ewes ewes, talk dikit2, not bad if diem aja-_-Apparently, not unexpectedly, seeing snowflakes outside the train. Wow .. Today it snowed again. If this was the first time I saw snow, I would immediately exit the train at that time also (redundant -_-).. Unfortunately, this is already the fourth time I saw snow. So there's a euphoria first.
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